BarcodeResource announces the release of ConnectCode, a high quality and professional barcode font package
Released on = November 12, 2006, 11:33 pm
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Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = BarcodeResource announces the release of ConnectCode, a high quality and professional barcode font package.
Press Release Body = BarcodeResource announces the release of ConnectCode, a high quality and professional barcode font package. This modern font package includes over 38 barcode True Type fonts and supports most of the industry commonly used barcodes. This includes Code 39, Code 128(A,B,C), I2of5, EAN13, EAN8, UPCA, UPCE, EXT2 and EXT5 barcode.
ConnectCode is the creation of a very experienced team of personnel from the auto-id/IT industry. The barcode fonts are high quality and adhere to industry specifications. The fonts are also extremely simple to use as it comes bundled with a barcode encoder. This encoder allows users to set the various properties of the barcode quickly and easily. ConnectCode also comes with VB macros support that allows the creation of barcodes in Microsoft Office applications and thrid party reporting tools.
ConnectCode barcode fonts can be installed in the following platforms: Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2K, WinXP and Win2003.
ConnectCode is available under the following licenses. Single User License - USD$69 Enterprise Site License - USD$229 Distribution License(Distribution of up to 10,000 users) - USD$369 Unlimited Distribution License - USD$699
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Contact Details = Contact Email Address 14 Robinson Road, #13-00 Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545.
Phone 6597737694
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